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Second Session of the Bhutan Children’s Parliament

The Bhutan Children’s Parliament (BCP) annual programme commenced at the Democracy House in Kawangjangsa with the 3 dayspre-Session orientation programme from 26th to 29th of December 2016. During the Orientation, the Members of the BCP (MBCP) will be briefed on various aspects of the Electoral System and have the opportunity to learn and interact with various senior leaders and related organizations to explore the role of Youth on our Democracy.


The formal Second Session of the Bhutan Children Parliament (BCP) will be from 3rd to 6th of January 2017 with an Inaugural Ceremony in a Joint Session on 3rd of January 2017 followed by the separate House Sittings and the concluding joint session on 5thand 6thof January 2017.

There are 67 MBCP attending the said Programme out of which 20 are BCP-NC Members and 47 are BCP-NA Members. They are accompanied by 21 escort teachers who are also Democracy Club Coordinators in the respective Dzongkhags.

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Election Commission of Bhutan