Home > Press Release > Space for Dzongkhag Election Offices in the Dzongkhag Courts

Space for Dzongkhag Election Offices in the Dzongkhag Courts

With immense pleasure, the Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB) would like to inform the general public that the Judiciary of the Kingdom of Bhutan has generously facilitated the accommodation of the Dzongkhag Election Offices in the premises of respective Dzongkhag Courts across the country. 

Eight of the twenty Dzongkhag Election Offices (Bumthang, Monggar, Punakha, Trashigang, Trashi Yangtse, Tsirang, Trongsa, and Wangdue Phodrang) have successfully moved into the Dzongkhag Court buildings with effect from 13th October 2021, coinciding with the joyous occasion of the 10th Royal Wedding Anniversary. The Offices in the rest of the twelve dzongkhags will soon follow suit, depending on the availability of space within the dzongkhag court premises. At a time when the ECB has been challenged by a shortage of adequate office space, this facilitation is believed to be timely. Such facilitation by the Judiciary not only demonstrates a remarkable gesture of goodwill but also reflects the true spirit of unity and strong collaboration in our efforts to optimally share the limited available national resources in a cost-effective manner to achieve national goals. 

Needless to mention, it will add perpetual stimulus to the ECB in carrying out its sacred constitutional mandate and will encourage us to work harder towards building a vibrant democracy in the country. The ECB is confident that this collaboration between the two independent institutions, with sacrosanct roles, will help the ECB in discharging its duties and responsibilities efficiently with the highest level of accountability and professionalism. It will pave the path towards realizing the noble vision of His Majesty The King towards strengthening harmony and unity among different institutions. 

On this auspicious occasion, marking the 10th Royal Wedding Anniversary, the ECB offers our sincere prayers and heartfelt wishes for Their Majesties happiness, good health and long live.

We continue to pray for a robust collaboration among different institutions to serve the Tsa-Wa-Sum in fulfilling our collective obligation and shared responsibilities.

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