Home > Press Release > Declaration of the Results of the Bye-Election for National Assembly Member of Khamdang_Ramjar Demkhong under Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag

Declaration of the Results of the Bye-Election for National Assembly Member of Khamdang_Ramjar Demkhong under Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag

The Election Commission of Bhutan under Section 443 and 447 of the Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2008, hereby notifies the general public that Mr. Karma Gyeltshen of Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa has been elected as the representative from Khamdang_Ramjar National Assembly Demkhong of Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag at the poll held on 3rd February, 2022.

The overall voter turnout and registered voter information are as follows:

  1. Total registered voters = 10,075 (4,828 male and 5,247 female) 
  2. Total number of votes casted = 5,261 (2,446 male and 2,815 female) 
  1. EVM votes = 2,374  (1,084 male and 1,290 female)
  2. Mobile Voting Booth = 90 (31 male and 59 female)
  3. Postal votes = 2,805 (1,335 male and 1,470 female)
  4. Overall Voter Turnout = 52.21%

The details of the final results are available on the Election Commission’s web page: https://results.ecb.bt/public/khamdang_ramjar

Registered voters above the age of 65 and voters living with disabilities were facilitated through Mobile Voting Booth using paper ballots from 26th till 28th January, 2022 at the Demkhong level. Similarly, due to the current lockdown situations, all postal voters in other Dzongkhags were also facilitated through Mobile Voting Booths. 

The two candidates who contested in the bye-election are reminded that they must file the returns of election expenses to the Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag Election Office or directly to the Public Election Fund Division in the Election Commission Head Office within thirty days of the declaration of the results i.e., not later than 5 PM of 5th March, 2022 in the prescribed form (Public Election Fund Form No.9A (GE).

The general public and all stakeholders may note that the Election Petition Period of 10 working days for this bye-election starts from today and shall end at 5 p.m. of 17th February, 2022.

In the wake of the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in different parts of the country and the high risks of local transmission, all gatherings and celebrations shall be prohibited until such time the situation improves.

Issued on the Third Day of the Twelfth Month of the Iron Female Ox Year, corresponding to 4th February, 2022.

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