Home > Announcements > Declaration of the Results of Functional Literacy and Possession of Skills Test, 2016

Declaration of the Results of Functional Literacy and Possession of Skills Test, 2016

The Election Commission of Bhutan is pleased to declare the Result of Test of Functional Literacy and Possession of Skills conducted on 19th of July,2016 and notify that the Results may be viewed at the Election Commission Head Office Thimphu, concerned Dzongkhag Election Offices or be downloaded from http://www.election-bhutan.org.bt/

A total of 102 Female and 365 Male sat for the Test, out of which 96Female and 298 Male are being awarded the Functional Literacy and Possession of Skills Test Certificate.

Applications for re-check may be made to the respective Dzongkhag Electoral Officer or directly to the Chief Election Officer on or before 5 p.m. of 4th August,2016.

Eligible voters who are interested to contest the election in the Second Phase of the Second Local Government Election 2016 are again reminded to process the documents required for filing of the Nomination Papers as per the prescribed Forms.

Issued on theTwenty Second Day of the Sixth Month of the Fire Male Monkey Year corresponding to 26th of July 2012.

Chief Election Commissioner of Bhutan