Home > Notifications > Delimitation of Parliamentary and Local Government Constituencies Order

Delimitation of Parliamentary and Local Government Constituencies Order

The Election Commission of Bhutan, as per sections 97 and 98 of the Election Act 2008, is pleased to notify the general public that the Final Delimitation Order of the 47 National Assembly Demkhongs and National Council Demkhongs in the 20 Dzongkhags issued on 26th March 2007, the Thromde Delimitation Order issued on 16th October 2010 and the Final Delimitation Order of the GewogTshogdeTshogpaDemkhongs (Chiwogs) of the 205 Gewogs in the 20 Dzongkhags issued on 27th February 2011 is hereby being consolidated and the names updated as in the Annexure.


This is being placed on ECB website
www.election-bhutan.org.bt/namesofDemkhongs and the said is also distributed to the Dzongkhags, Thromdes and Gewogs for wider publicity and use during the ongoing Parliamentary Elections.


While there are no changes in the physical boundaries of the Demkhongs and in the maps, the spelling and names of some Demkhongshavebeen revised to make them self-explicit and facilitate easy reference; reflect and restore the meaning or symbolism of the original names and the history of the places; and to standardize the spellings of the names guided by the spellings in Zhungkha.


The corrections in the names were adopted by the Delimitation Commission based on feedback and endorsement of all Stakeholders, including the Local Government Tsugdes, during the Local Government  delimitation process and the Election Commission of Bhutan hereby urges all concerned authorities, media and the members of public to own the responsibility to apply and popularize the names of places as spelt in this Delimitation Order in their records, correspondences, orders, public information notices and sign boards at their earliest.


Issued on 30th Day of the 2nd Month of the Water Female Snake Year of the Bhutanese Calendar corresponding to 10th of April, 2013.

By order