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Exercising Your Choice In The Local Government Elections 2016

The Election Commission of Bhutan is in the process of planning and implementing the preparatory activities for conduct of Local Government Election in the Year 2016.


We look forward to eligible Voters and those coming of age to be included in our Electoral Roll to participate in the Elections. Further, we urge all Voters to ensure your Mitsi (civil registration) is at your preferred Local Government Demkhong not later than 31st of December 2014 to meet the legal requirement to be a Voter or a Candidate there.


The Election Commission of Bhutan will facilitate transfer of your Mitsi to your preferred Demkhong at your request.


For enquiry and to process the transfer, you may visit the Election Commission of Bhutan (Head Office) or your Dzongkhag Election Office or the Gewog Administration.


Issued in public interest on the 27th Day of the 5th Month of the Wood Male Horse Year of the Bhutanese Calendar corresponding to 23rd of July 2014.


(Kunzang Wangdi)
Chief Election Commissioner of Bhutan