Home > Press Release > Declaration of the results of Bye-Elections in Local Government, 2024

Declaration of the results of Bye-Elections in Local Government, 2024

The Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB), as per the provision enshrined under Section 457 of the Election Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2008, hereby declares the Results of the Bye Elections for the posts to the Local Government.

The Elections were conducted in the four Dzongkhags for the positions of Mangmi, Gewog Tshogde Tshogpas and Thromde Tshogde Tshogpa with the poll day on 19th February 2024.

The names of candidates who have been successfully elected are as follows; 

Sl. NoDzongkhagGewogChiwogCandidatePost
1ParoHoongrel YudenMangmi
2LhuentseKurtoedDungkarTashi JatshoTshogpa
3Samdrup JongkharSamrangDamsagang ToedMon Singh RaiTshogpa
4ChhukhaPhuentshogling ThromdePasakha Thromde TshogdeGanesh RaiTshogpa

The overall voter turnout details are as follows:

click here to view in details…

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